IGNIS drives the R&D project “GeMICE,” which will improve the comprehensive management of energy communities

  • IGNIS has received funding for its Research and Development project “Digital Platform for Comprehensive Management of Energy Communities and Enablement of Internal Energy Markets”
  • Through the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI), funding co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

The project aims to develop an intelligent digital platform for managing energy communities. The “GeMICE” platform has the differentiating and innovative feature of enabling internal energy markets for community members. In this virtual market, community members sell their excess production and cover their deficits with the excess of other members. Therefore, it is a virtual market where energy transactions do not materialize physically but are considered when compensating for deviations among members of the energy community, according to established rules governing the internal energy market. Additionally, thanks to the platform, the community can buy and sell energy in traditional markets through the intermediation of an aggregator with access from the intelligent digital platform.

The project has the support of the Cartif technological center, which, along with its experts, is developing the algorithm and platform for these energy exchanges. The platform consists of three fundamental parts:

  1. The end-user interface, which is simple and user-friendly, so that community members can input the required data for calculating virtual offers within the community.
  2. The intelligent algorithm, which, fed by the information provided by community users, provides the best possible approximation for the benefit of all (both generators and virtual consumers within the community).
  3. The management interface of the tool itself and the configuration of its use. With it, functionalities and permissions are enabled to govern the operation of both the community and the platform itself.

Sara Fernández, project manager at IGNIS, points out: “IGNIS’s objective with this project is to develop a digital platform for managing the assets of the energy community, integrating renewable energy generation, and participating in electricity markets. The platform aims to encourage citizen participation and collaboration, virtual energy exchange among community members, as well as optimizing the operation and performance of its renewable generation, in order to achieve maximum environmental and economic benefits for the energy community.”

For IGNIS, this platform represents a significant advance in terms of innovation and development in the field of community energy management. The introduction of GeMICE not only promotes efficiency and optimization in energy asset management but also encourages citizen participation and collaboration in the transition to a more sustainable energy model.